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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor

This is no time to be polite, Nancy

No, no, no, Nancy Pelosi! You can't beat Donald Trump playing by his rules on his ball field. You're simply too smart to say you'd rather see him imprisoned than impeached.

You've always maintained the highest ethical standards when it comes to your personal conduct. This is no time to deviate from the norm. It only invites more speculation from the right that you're persecuting their beloved leader ... fake news.


On the other hand, I haven't set the bar nearly that high so let me be the first to say, "Lock him up!" And the sooner the better.

Bob Ory, Elgin


Mooseheart Child City a great group to help

I happened upon a worthy charity on Route 31 in Batavia Township recently, and would like to share it with your readers.

I was house cleaning and decided it was time to sell or donate my old comic books and a few hundred LP albums. I found a local record shop by the Naperville train station, and sold them 52 albums.

The comic books, however, had no commercial value as the market was glutted by hopeful collectors in the 1990s. Since I did not want to simply throw them away, I recalled that Mooseheart Child City & School is filled with orphaned children and those from troubled families. They range in age from infant to 18 years old.

I contacted Marcia in their administration office and learned they would be delighted to take everything I had that was age-apropriate. The best part is that once the kids are done reading the comics, they plan to incorporate the artwork into personalized decoupaged boxes for the kids to have in their rooms. The albums will likewise be enjoyed but those that might be outdated, scratched or warped will be melted into vinyl for other art projects. Zero waste!

These people deserve and inspired this letter to the editor. I hope and pray it helps their worthy cause and employees. Even the guards at the entrance gate were a pleasure to deal with!

Mark Rieser, Naperville

McGrath ‘often wrong, never in doubt’

Chicago Tribune Sports


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Thank goodness we have College of DuPage professor David McGrath to protect us from compositionally-challenged President Trump. We have all been waiting with bated breath for this English teaching savior to “educate” us about politics, geopolitics, economics and trade.

Being a partisan liberal college professor (aren’t they all?) means you are always right. McGrath actually say,s “I will have to teach my students that nearly everything President Trump says and writes is wrong.”


So Trump is apparently wrong when he says we are being inundated with illegals at the border, causing a humanitarian crisis. Trump is apparently wrong when he says Democratic candidates support socialist policies. Wrong when he says tax cuts spur economic growth, wrong when he declares late-term abortions to be morally reprehensible, wrong when he says he’ll appoint conservative Supreme Court justices, wrong when he says we need to renegotiate trade deals, wrong when he says deregulation will lead to job growth, wrong when he says ISIS should be destroyed, etc.

You get the picture by now. Trump lives rent free inside this poor professor’s head. I hope he reads this column and knows I’m not “politicking.” I’m just educating a college professor who’s epitaph one day should read “often wrong, never in doubt.”

Chris Schneider, Naperville

Read Mueller report first, then voice opinion

Before we condemn or exonerate President Trump, please take the time to read the Mueller report. If nothing else, at least get acquainted with the document’s content. Read all of it or parts of it or speak with a person who has reviewed it. Do not create opinions based on ignorance.

Raymond Hubbard, Sandwich

Gary Urwiler, second from left, executive director of Mooseheart Child City and School, greets students as they come into the school for the first day of classes in 2017.
