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Speak Out: Mueller report, drivers

A Speak Out commenter gives a view on drivers. Traffic flows south and north on the I-294 Tri-State tollway near the Touhy Ave. plaza, Friday,  Aug. 3, 2012.

I’m a retired truck driver. Some truck drivers and some car drivers have an attitude that leaves a lot to be desired. The better the attitude, the better the driving. The attitude a driver has while on the road should be part of the driver’s license examination.

George, Burbank


We are so divided in this country that it’s unreal. Every time I turn on the television, the news media keeps dragging out this alleged Russian collusion ordeal. The way I see it, President Donald Trump was trained by people in former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s camp and the Democrats can't accept being defeated in the 2016 presidential election. They put out false information. It was investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for two years and he spent $35 million, and the final conclusion he came up with was not guilty. There was no collusion. There was nothing there. You’d think that the case would be closed but no, the Democrats keep dragging it on and on.

The White House is almost being run like a mafia operation. The majority of the Republicans are defending the ones in charge of their operation. They don’t seem to be working for the American people. They seem to be looking out for themselves. Many of them are millionaires so their goal seems to be to stay in office and keep money flowing into their bank accounts. All of them should serve no more than eight years.


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