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Speak Out: Property taxes, Trump

Commenters give their views on President Donald Trump. Trump delivers a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House, Wednesday, May 22, 2019, in Washington.

President Donald Trump demanded that investigating his actions be dropped or he would not begin talk about infrastructure and prescription costs. Trump works for us. The job he was elected to do is not about him. Can Congress just move on without his approval like he does without them?

Tinley Park


To all you commenters who think President Donald Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread: Why isn’t he doing something about Social Security and Medicare? They are not not going to last much longer and that is going to affect everyone, even young people. Everyone is going to need help at some point. If he was so wonderful, he would do something about Social Security and Medicare. . .



People constantly complain about their property taxes. Many people will see huge increases in their property taxes. Former Gov. Bruce Rauner spent four years trying to freeze property taxes. House Speaker Mike Madigan and the Democrats stood in Rauner’s way and wouldn’t let it happen. He tried everything he could to freeze them but couldn’t get that plan past Senate President John Cullerton. Madigan had a supermajority. They would not let it happen. Democrats stopped it, so what happened? Rauner, who tried to help homeowners and business owners, was voted out. . .

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