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Speak Out: Trump

A Speak Out commenter gives a view on President Donald Trump. In this May 13, 2019, photo, Trump listens to a question during a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington.

To the commenter who said in Speak Out that everything under President Donald Trump’s administration is being blamed on former President Barack Obama’s administration: Well, Trump and his administration are taking credit for a few things such as record unemployment and our stock market. He cleaned up the North American Free Trade Agreement mess and he is trying to get the trade imbalances with China and Mexico straightened out. So yes, he is taking credit for some things.

Tom, Burbank


President Donald Trump keeps saying the economy is good. Who is going to pay for all the infrastructure that we need? Who is going to pay for the schools? Who is going to pay for anything now that nobody, especially the 1 percenters, are paying taxes? It is going to come back to haunt us. You might have noticed when you go to buy something that the new and improved sizes are smaller and cost more. I don’t care what you buy. That is exactly what you get.

Homer Glen


A worker employed by the Hazel Crest Park District was accused again of accepting money from an ex-criminal offender, according to a news report. The employee had been prosecuted, it said. This time she was fired after admitting taking payments again, it said. Something like this should not have ever happened.

Hazel Crest

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