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Knowles: Blood drive in Lynwood offers chance to save lives

Cook County Commissioner Donna Miller. She is pictured from left with her sister Imani Pittman. The picture was taken in December 2019 at a Women Empowered for Civic Engagement award event at Harborside International Golf Center in Chicago.

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion.

Cook County 6th District Commissioner Donna Miller provided that figure to promote the first Southland Blood Drive Thursday in Lynwood. Miller is working with the American Red Cross to help host the event from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Family Christian Health Center, 19767 South Torrence Ave. The center also is sponsoring the blood drive.


Participants can have an impact by being a donor.

One blood donation can save three lives but only about 3% of the nation’s adult population donate blood each year, Red Cross officials said.


Blood is needed daily for people with chronic illnesses, surgeries and traumatic injuries, officials said.

For example, more than 1.7 million people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year and many of them require blood transfusions, officials said.

Miller said she understands the problem. Her sister, Imani Pittman, has sickle cell disease, a genetic blood disorder that predominantly affects African Americans and Latinos, she said.

Sickle Cell disease affects 90,000 to 100,000 people in the U.S., many of them requiring blood transfusions, according to the Red Cross.

“People who have sickle cell disease need blood donations and transfusions constantly,” said Miller, who added that her sister has had many transfusions over the years. “This is deeply personal for me. ”

Officials said many people can donate blood. Participants must be in good health, age 17 or older and weigh at least 110 pounds, officials said.

Miller said she hopes to convince more African Americans to donate blood.

African Americans in Cook County make up 24% of the population, but donations of blood among blacks to the Red Cross are less than 7%, Miller said.


Miller wants to increase black donors by raising awareness.

“There is a lack of education,” she said. “We need to do a better job of communication and community education.”

About 70% of blacks have blood types O and B, which are the blood types most in demand, Miller said.

Last month, the Red Cross announced a critical need for type O blood across the nation. There were just six units of type O blood available for every 100,000 people, but at least two times that amount is needed every day, Red Cross officials said.

Miller, involved with numerous blood drives, said she first volunteered with the Red Cross while attending Lane Tech High School in Chicago.

She said she also has more than two decades of experience working in healthcare. She also formerly served on the board of Family Christian Health Center, she said.


Family Christian Health Center is a community-based healthcare provider that receives federal funds to provide primary healthcare services in underserved areas. Roughly 70% of its patients have low incomes. The center serves about 20,000 patients yearly, many in Harvey, Dolton and Lynwood, where it recently added dental services and will mark its two-year anniversary this fall.

The Lynwood event will include food and provide information on the services provided by the center. It also will provide information on how to enroll in the Affordable Care Act and other healthcare information, said Dr. Lisa Green, Family Christian Health Center chief executive officer.

“This is an opportunity to be proactive, to be able to help provide life to people who face health challenges,” Green said. “This is an opportunity to be your brother’s keeper when they are in need. You never know. It may be your brother six months from now who needs blood. It could be your cousin. It is definitely a paying it forward opportunity to be able to help us as a community and provide quality of life.”

For more information, call 1-800-733-2767 or by visiting the website for the Red Cross at
