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Record rains are our cue to act

Thank you for the Tribune’s piece (“Because of historic rains, less than half the normal amount of corn has been planted in Illinois,” June 7) on the tough choices Illinois corn farmers face as a result of the abnormally wet season we've had. Growing up on a rural family farm, I have also experienced firsthand the devastating effects of unexpected weather events.

While our first response might be to throw our hands up over the record-breaking rain we've had in the last six months, we would be wise to instead interpret these extreme weather events as a clear warning that it's time to take focused and effective action now.


Indeed, 97% of climate scientists are in agreement. The warming of the planet and the resulting imbalance in weather patterns has been directly put in motion by man.

For several years both Republican and Democratic policy makers have worked together to shape what has become the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, which has been re-introduced into the U.S. House in 2019.,The policy is straightforward and comprehensive. A fee, collected at the source of CO2 equivalent emissions, would be distributed as a monthly dividend to American households. This market-based approach gives American families the benefit of the collected fee. It doesn't grow government, and it steadily and rapidly reduces carbon pollution.


There are over 3,000 economists who agree that putting a price on carbon is the most effective way to motivate industry to innovate a new way forward on how we power our world.

—Kelli Paternoster, Chicago

Trump, tariffs and Mexico

Democrats are freaking out because President Donald Trump just got another big win for America by using his tariff threat to get Mexico to do its job and stop immigrants from marching through Mexico to illegally enter America.

At first Democrats called this illegal immigration invasion a manufactured crisis. But now that we are on track to have over one million migrants enter America illegally this year, and our border resources are at the breaking point, even they admit it is a crisis. Since Democrats would not agree to fund a border wall or change our immigration laws,egal President Trump had no choice but to force Mexico to stop migrants at the Mexican border.

The great news is Mexico agreed to send its military to its southern border to stop this invasion from Central America and to arrest the “coyotes” that abuse and itake these poor illegal immigrants to America. Mexico celebrated signing the deal because they won’t get tariffs and because the Mexican people are tired of immigrants that are flooding Mexico and taking resources from them too.

Illegal immigration costs America $135 billion a year and take critical medical, education, and police resources away from American citizens and legal immigrants. But rather than congratulate President Trump on this big win, Democrats are attacking him for his success.

—Randy Rossi, Grayslake

Capital spending plan too broad

Any state capital spending plan should be focused and limited. The $45 billion Illinois capital plan should be only for infrastructure improvements to support economic growth. Now the money will be doled out everywhere in small batches, into meaningless projects.


—Juha Vaisanen, Northbrook

Praise for Maggie Daley Park

I would say that I am a lucky guy. Why? Just happen to live directly across the street from Maggie Daley Park. As a recent widower and slightly handicapped, I am able to get over to the park and enjoy all that it has to offer. I enjoy people watching, with all the young parents pushing strollers to let their children enjoy the park, as well as watching the kids play in the small playgrounds that are magnificently secluded with beautiful foliage and trees. In addition, there are many benches to sit on as I enjoy breathing the lush fresh air that the foliage throws off, as well as being away from the noise and hustle and bustle of the city. More Chicagoans should come out and enjoy this gorgeous park.

—Richard Hahn, Chicago
