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Keep investigating President Trump

I read the report by special counsel Robert Mueller, so I’m probably more qualified to offer an opinion on it than any politician who hasn’t done the same — including President Donald Trump.

The report lists multiple occasions when members of Trump’s campaign, family and associates met in secret with Russians or sought contact with Russia and lied about it. Trump himself sought a business deal in Russia during the presidential campaign and lied about it. The report lists multiple cases of potential obstruction of justice and abuse of power by Trump.


Based on Mueller’s report, and his public comments, it’s obvious that he found multiple reasons to indict Trump but was unable to do so because of Justice Department policy — and Mueller intended for Congress to continue investigating where he left off.

Congress must investigate Trump on these and other issues, to see if there are grounds for impeachment. If the Trump administration refuses to cooperate, it’s worth noting that President Richard Nixon resigned rather than fight a likely impeachment for obstruction of justice, abuse of power and contempt of Congress — and it was members of Nixon’s own party who forced him from office.


— Mike Mosser, Chicago

Protect federal science

As the Midwest recovers from record flooding and storms, our communities work to care for displaced people, avoid widespread illnesses, restore electric power and remove debris. The human and financial tolls are huge.

Experts know that our current suffering is not normal. Federal scientists know much about the causes of these threats as well as ways to reduce and adapt to them. Among the evidence-based facts are: Flood risks have increased and cover more areas. Higher levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases make extreme rainfalls more frequent. Human use of fossil fuels accounts for a large share of this threat.

There are cost-effective, cleaner ways to produce energy and provide transportation. Wetlands and forests can decrease storm damage.

Research and analysis by scientists in federal agencies promote these crucial areas of knowledge for Midwesterners and all Americans. Prominently, the 2018 National Climate Assessment included a chapter dedicated to the Midwest’s climate impacts and risks; 13 federal agencies under the U.S. Global Change Research Program contributed to this research and analysis. The development and dissemination of such federal science are crucial.

Yet, political appointees are trying to exclude key analysis from the next national climate assessment.

We have repeatedly seen presidential administrations attempt to censor, suppress or manipulate the science coming from federal agencies, especially if the evidence doesn’t support their policies. The Scientific Integrity Act now pending in both houses of Congress would put proactive safeguards in place at agencies to prevent more attacks on federal scientists and their critical work that benefits us all.

— Warren Lavey,


Adjunct professor, University of Illinois, Champaign

Time for National Guard?

Although I am confident other states and cities have their hands full with violence, Chicago is the poster child for random shootings.

As sure as winter turns to spring, West and South side neighborhoods become dangerous places. Gang members with pent-up energy from winter inaction hit the streets with guns blazing. Although Chicago puts a thousand or more extra police on patrol during some weekends, the shootings still occur without arrests being made.

During the 1960s, I was a National Guardsman. During summers, almost all of our major cities had riots. Neighborhoods burned and civil unrest was as predictable as was the beginning of summer weather. National Guard units in Illinois and many states were activated by their governors to support the police. It seems that after a few summers, rioting lost its appeal. Actually, it largely left rioters homeless and local stores out of business.

I don’t consider the present time to be as dire as the civil unrest of the ’60s. However, why doesn’t the governor dispatch the Guard to saturate the at-risk areas during summer nights when families are out enjoying the weather? I know one argument is optics. Soldiers may be an admission that civil authorities are unable to keep city streets safe. Since the National Guard is already in existence and available to the governor as a state militia, what better event, short of wholesale rioting is needed to call out the Guard?

— Sheldon I. Saitlin, Chicago

