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Abortion debate is about religious freedom

I have always thought that the abortion debate is about religious freedom because at the heart of it are questions of what is it to be human and what is a moral act. We turn to religion or philosophy for help in answering these questions.

Science deals only with understanding the biological processes, not with the significance of those processes. Science can detect a fetal heartbeat, but it cannot tell us what the existential meaning of that single fact is.


Most, if not all, of us believe there is something that separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. For the faithful, that thing is the presence of a soul. In her recent book “The Matriarch,” Susan Page revealed former first lady Barbara Bush’s struggle with knowing that she would be asked about her stance on abortion. After much reflection about the short life of her young daughter, Bush came to the conclusion that abortion was not murder due to her understanding of when the soul enters the body.

You often hear opponents of abortion rights say they are pro-life. That all life is sacred and that they are doing God’s work. Many of your letter writers have pointed out the contradictions in the positions held by those who oppose abortion. But abortion opponents see themselves as being crusaders for innocent life — life that is unmarred by sin. These are religious ideals that are separate and apart from science or logic. Opponents of abortion are working to codify their religious beliefs into law because they see this as God’s work. At least Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey sees it that way.


All of these laws are hurriedly being written now because these crusaders see that they have judges on the U.S. Supreme Court who have no problem allowing one group’s religious beliefs to be imposed on others.

When legislators write laws based on their interpretation of their religious tradition, they are saying their laws are based on a higher authority than our founding documents. When those laws are upheld by the courts, we no longer have a democracy. We become a theocracy.

Even though our nation’s founders were not particularity devout, they understood that religious freedom is important in a democracy. Without it, there is always the danger that some group will declare superiority over all others because they are ordained by God, and not by man, to create the laws.

— Janice Cody, Chicago

Resources for pregnancy

In response to Richard Nolan’s letter “Pro-life hypocrisy” (May 21): His comments lack merit. He gives a blanket statement that those in the pro-life movement would be unwilling to adopt or support unwanted children. Mr. Nolan needs to look around his community: Catholic Charities is available to support and aid women in crisis. No one will be turned away; they will be supported through pregnancy and birth. The Women’s Center has many locations throughout the city that will assist. The agency The Cradle will facilitate adoptions. Project Rachel is a support group for women who have been traumatized by having an abortion. There is help through the continuum! Women will not be turned away at any point of crisis. I encourage those in need to seek support — it is there for you. Don’t be afraid; there are nonjudgmental resources for you. You will be supported through it all.

— Mary Heinz, Chicago

Putting limits on humane feeling

I understand the position of those who believe that life starts at conception and who, in the process of outlawing abortion, will not include exceptions for rape or incest.

If only they would give the same consideration to the lives of those on death row, by eliminating capital punishment.


If only they would give the same consideration to the lives of those seeking asylum on our southern border, by providing easier methods to gain protection from death threats in their home countries.

If only they would give the same consideration to the lives of our children in schools and congregants in mosques and synagogues, by strengthening gun laws to keeps weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.

If only they would give the same consideration to the lives of children already born who do not have enough to eat or access to health care by strengthening our safety net programs instead of enacting funding cuts for misdirected tax cuts.

If only.

— Jim Jolley, Bolingbrook
