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Wars have cost the U.S. a lot

Former President Jimmy Carter doesn't suffer fools too easily. At 94, he's still calling out America's descent into the madness of perpetual war, something he avoided during his entire 1977-81 presidency. Commenting on how China is catching up and will inevitably pass the U.S. in economic growth and power, Carter lays our decline in stark terms: “The U.S. is the most warlike nation in the history of the world.” China, he argues correctly, hasn't been at war with anyone since 1979, allowing it to invest trillions in infrastructure and economic growth rather than America with its endless, murderous wars, with more on the horizon in places like Iran and Venezuela. China now has 18,000 miles of high-speed rails; the U.S. has zilch. Carter argues that if we'd have invested just half of the trillions squandered on war in rebuilding America, "We'd have high-speed rails, we’d have bridges that aren’t collapsing, we’d have roads that are maintained properly. Our education system would be as good as that of, say, South Korea or Hong Kong.”

That's why I revere Jimmy Carter, the best president in my 75 years — except for my first 32 days on Earth under Franklin D. Roosevelt.


— Walt Zlotow, Glen Ellyn

U.S. needs charity, unity

There is really only one sin in our world: “Me first!” Putting our wants, needs, prejudices, etc., ahead of everything else is selfish human nature. The Ten Commandments and all other righteous prohibitions are there to remind us to avoid that behavior. We are asked to be better than that.


Unfortunately, many of those who profess to follow Christ have forgotten these basic principles. And such people are being enabled by political geniuses such as Karl Rove and others. When we close our borders to refugees, take away support systems from our needy fellows, reduce the rights of minorities, we are saying, “Me first!” in a big way.

Fueled by political spin doctors, the source is primarily fear. Fear that some of my “rights” will be taken away. Fear that someone else will be helped out of financial difficulty. That someone else will be “first,” and not me.

In one of his letters, the Apostle John writes: “Perfect love casts out fear.”

In his final hours, Jesus says: “Love one another, as I have loved you.” He also says: “If you have two cloaks, give one to someone who has none.” If we claim to be his followers, we should remember these thoughts.

Today we are told that our country is divided. Conservatives vs. liberals. Individual rights vs. socialism. Citizens vs. immigrants. Us vs. them. And we have begun to believe this story. It should not be true.

We are in this problematic world together. In order to be successful, we need to work together. We all are on the same team. I don’t want to “Make America Great Again” — the U.S. has always been and continues to be great.

Our slogan should be: “Make America One Again.” I will vote for candidates who support that goal. Fear apparently can elect candidates. But we should be “greater” than that.

— Peter Carroll, Crystal Lake


A neighborhood’s major loss

When I read the column by Ryan Ori in the Tribune about Stanley’s closing (‘Words can’t explain,’ April 23), the headline echoed my thoughts when my beloved DeVries in La Grange closed a few years ago.

“Words can’t explain.”

DeVries Brothers was a family-owned small grocer. The meat was unsurpassed and cut to your exact specifications. The strawberries were hand-picked and put into the little green baskets. Every kid received a pretzel on the way out. The bagger carried your groceries to your car. It was the neighborhood; it was the community.

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It was a place where “everybody knew your name.”

When my favorite butcher at DeVries retired, I brought him tulips and a note expressing how thankful I was for his service. He fed my family for close to 40 years. I got a tear in my eye saying goodbye to him.

In the fall of 2016, when DeVries closed its doors, many of us were in the store, reminiscing with the DeVries staff, saying our goodbyes, lamenting that our very local, very friendly store was closing. One of my neighbors put it perfectly: “It’s like attending a wake for a grocery store.”


Not a week goes by that I don’t say (at least three times): “Boy, do I miss DeVries.”

— Laurie Whitman, La Grange Park
