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Spend a couple hours — as in, 2 — outside. Your health and happiness depend on it.

Warmth and sunshine have been slow to come this year, but there’s no more time to waste in getting into the summer habit of getting outside.

Yes, it’s a habit, and one many of us lose sight of in the cold months, as Chicagoans huddle in bus stops and scurry indoors as fast as possible. If a chilly, rainy spring kept you lodged in the winter routine, it’s time to transition to the after-dinner walks, weekend trips to the beach or dog park, or family outings to free concerts or movies.


People know intuitively that soft breezes refresh. Americans have recently learned that nature therapy and Japanese “forest bathing” relieve stress and boost immunity. (Haven’t heard of forest bathing? The Morton Arboretum and Chicago Botanic Garden offer programs in this activity, which rest assured leaves participants fully clothed.) Now a new study by the University of Exeter Medical School puts a number on how much recreational or relaxing outdoor time we need to reap health benefits. The magic figure appears to be two hours per week.

Urban green spaces count, and the two hours can be spread over the week, which is good news for busy people who need to fit in smaller snatches of activity at a time. Get off the bus a stop early and stop at a park bench for 15 minutes. Stare at the lake for half an hour one day. It all adds up. If family time outside means schlepping from public transit to the lakefront, with heavy supplies in tow, rest assured that you’re all reaping benefits.


June is National Great Outdoors Month, one of those non-holidays that is nonetheless a good excuse to exit the office for the roof deck. While sitting and musing is a perfectly worthy way to spend some time outside, you can get in some energizing extra activity, too. Or, if it’s been that kind of week, see if a leafy rooftop bar or a restaurant with an outdoor picnic table does the trick instead.

Need some more ideas? Check museum, zoo and conservatory events lists for outdoor programs, many of them free. Don’t forget the new national park just an hour away at the Indiana Dunes, where sand and waves and birds await. Heck, rent a scooter during Chicago’s pilot program and take a ride. (Will that be too stressful to count as health-boosting leisure time? We’ll get back to you.)

Now, if a measly two hours per week relaxing outdoors seems totally paltry to you, congratulations. You may be already be getting enough sunshine to have a sunny disposition. Perhaps you should invite one of the rest of us outside for a nice walk?
