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Expert Series: Dan Mallin from Equals 3 on AI and Marketing

Knowledge workers — including marketers, researchers, business development teams, customer support and leadership — are faced with daily challenges to find data. Typical searches can be as simple as looking for a chart, research or quote that they believe exists somewhere in the company's databases to much more complex searches.

Businesses invest in data assets. Large companies, in particular, have vast amounts of valuable unstructured data that has been massaged into knowledge. Think of the tens of thousands of PowerPoints, PDFs, Word Documents, videos and images that sit on internal systems.


The challenge grows the more people, offices and geographies involved. When a new employee is hired or an employee moves into a new division or business unit, they are effectively unaware of every plan, proposal, video, research report, strategy deck or analysis that came before them. And when an employee leaves a company or moves to a new team, they take their knowledge of the data with them.

It's frustrating to know the right data you need is out there, somewhere. Usually enterprise search leads to employees piecing together findings based on a deep exploration process, sifting through hundreds of assets created by their predecessors. Or even worse, they spend hours or company dollars duplicating work that has already been done.


Unshared knowledge costs time, wastes money and affects employee performance. The good news is that Lucy — an artificial intelligence platform — solves this problem.
